Why Be Perfect?


I was never a perfectionist. In school, I was the type to race through all the work to get to the "fun stuff." I always wanted to move forward, not often looking back to see what I missed or could have done better. When it comes to writing these posts, I need to be hyper-aware of the length of the post and how it is laid out on the page. Many of the thoughts before hitting the publish button are negative.

Today that mindset changes! There are many things in this world to concern oneself with. I do not need any more things to stress over. This writing is for me to process my thoughts on subjects that matter to me. By chance, someone else finds them interesting, even better. Go ahead, and publish a short post. Start that new side project. Do not get hung on the details. Do not stress the viability of an idea as a potential business venture. Do it because you want to. Do it to test an idea or a theory. Do it for a learning opportunity. Do it because it helps you maintain your sanity. Have fun with it.