Change is Good

rowing team working together

This post has been a couple of months in the making. It has been too long in the making, if you ask my family. Three months ago was the last contribution. That is a quarter of a year. This delay will not reflect kindly on my end-the-year wrap-up and statistics post.

As the last post was published, I concluded that I was no longer interested in my work. I loved working directly with the clients. The relationships formed are some of my strongest. The problems we were solving together were magical. The agency to provide solutions made it even more exciting. Those are what I hold near to my heart when reflecting on this time.

Eventually, the undesirable aspects outweighed the good. This loss of interest led to many sleepless nights. I was still determining what the future would hold. I would sit there wide awake, thinking of the options. Should I stick it out through this low point, find a new opportunity, or something entirely different? Retirement was not an option at this point (shucks).

I opted to look at new opportunities.

What I ended up finding:

  • A team forging new paths
  • A team thinking differently about work
  • A team that is stretching their boundaries
  • An amazing workspace

Change in life is good; I have had to drink from the firehose in the past several days. I am loving every minute of it. I have been sharing my experiences with the team. They have been sharing their experiences—all learning from each other to push together and build a next-level experience for our customers.

Looking back, were all those sleepless nights worth it?


Take a chance on yourself; you never know what is around the bend.